Here are some great pictures of the 1st Brigade on Guam. The 4th Marines, part of the 1st Brigade, was composed mostly of Raiders, fresh from their disbanded battalions.
1st Brigade Landing beaches on Guam, looking south to Bangi and Facpi points.
Command Post of the 1st Brigade, north of Aguna Guam.
A tank-infantry team moves forward on the Orote Peninsula, north of Agat.
Marines approach the shell torn remains of the Marine Barracks on Guam
The shelled out Marine Barracks, Beneath the American flag, symbolic of a hard-won victory on the Orote Peninsula.
Marines Advance towards Orote Airfield.
Closing in on a pillbox on Guam.
1st Brigade Marines marching towards operations in the northern part of Guam.
The cemetery is dedicated on Guam.
Victory on Guam! The American flag is once again raised over the old Marine Barracks.